August 13, 2024


© 1999 Anna M.K. Hazen

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round for a heavenly truth! The tongue is the very essence of life! Yes, it’s like the original remote control—what you believe in your heart. Well, lucky for us, the tongue has the power to turn our thoughts into words, which is a lot easier than turning thoughts into actionable plans… or turning water into wine. And remember, “Out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth shall speak”—so choose wisely, because no one wants the wrong accidental confessions to slip out at the family reunion! “Yes, Aunt Edna, I did say that about your cooking!”

In the Gospel according to Matthew 12:34-37, our dear friend Jesus had a little chat with the Pharisees, calling them “a generation of vipers.” You know, because sometimes when you can’t find the right words, a good, old-fashioned snake reference will do. A “what was that?” moment most definitely deserves an award for creativity! He reminded them, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!” So when someone tells you that you talk too much, you can just say you’re giving your heart a workout! After all, it’s cardio for the soul!

As I pondered this delightful concept of judgment over our words, I was struck by the thought: why exactly are we held accountable for every word? After all, we can’t help that sometimes words slip out like unexpected guests at a Sunday potluck, can we? And we all know how hard it is to shoo away a guest who’s already made it to the buffet!

But words, dear ones, are powerful! They can build up, break down, or even bring about a little drama worthy of a Broadway production—“The Sound of Silence,” anyone? Your tongue can lift someone to the highest heights or plunge them into a pit of despair—imagine the local coffee shop drama! Words can even cause health problems—like when you hear a coworker say they prefer pineapple on pizza! Oh, the horror. (I happen to love pineapple on pizza, but we’ll save that delicious debate for another day!)

Without words, life would be a silent film. Can you imagine your best friend trying to express their excitement about a new puppy with interpretive dance? Or worse, “We could celebrate with a nice long chat!”—said no one… ever. Forget mime; we’d be living in a world of awkward hand gestures!

Let’s talk about Genesis 1:3, where our Almighty God used words to create the universe. “Let there be light!” And boom, there was! Giving us the first-ever cosmic light show, and likely taking credit for the best backyard BBQ ambiance since before time began. “Oh, you think that’s just the sun? Have you seen my work?!”

Now, God took Adam for a little tour in Eden and told him, “Of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat,”—but the advice on the forbidden one? Let’s just say it was a memo that really should have been followed. Because, honestly, nobody wants to mess with a divine prohibition. “Don’t touch that!” is a classic, don’t you think? When did God say that?! Umm… He didn’t! There’s a holy twist for you!

And speaking of names, did you ever think about the creativity involved in naming animals? Like “hippopotamus.” Honestly, when was the last time that rolled off the tongue without a giggle? That’s right: never! It’s like God was on a safari and just couldn’t help himself!

Then there’s our girl Eve, who, in a moment of twisted temptation, decided to chat with a serpent. Maybe she thought it was a reality show! “Coming up next: ‘Real Housewives of the Garden!’” The serpent slyly said, “Did God really say you shouldn’t eat from every tree?” and poof—a bite later, we’re all divided between fruit lovers and, well, those who’ll never trust a serpent again! Oh and God never said you can’t even touch it! So she lie about that!

Fast forward to Exodus 20, where God’s commandments include some seriously solid rules about our tongues. Let’s keep it friendly, folks! Because, let’s be real: “God’s last name is NOT ‘Damn'”—that’s just a common misconception. But if it were, I would fully expect Him to show up at the family reunion asking for a non-refundable RSVP!

And for goodness’ sake, have you heard? Tongues can be trouble! They can cause wars, spark arguments, and make you spill your coffee when a co-worker accidentally drops a bombshell at the office—“So, you saw those two at the café last weekend?” Oh boy, hold on to your mugs!

In Proverbs 18:21, we find the eternal truth: Death and life are in the power of the tongue! Kind of puts a new spin on “watch your words,” doesn’t it? Especially if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of unsolicited advice—yikes!

Now, back in the day, our parents taught us how to use our tongues with grace—y’know, basic etiquette: “Please, thank you, and for Pete’s sake, don’t curse out the neighbor’s cat!” It’s a simple gift, but it can change your world. Also, it keeps the cat from plotting revenge. Just saying.

Remember, my beloved, we are all a tag team working against the enemy who wants to trip us up in our conversations. Why else would they make you spill hot coffee on your lap right as you’re about to ask for a raise? The Devil is in the details, and so is your caffeine!

We need to learn to douse our tongues like a wildfire—as the old folks say, “If you can’t say nothin’ nice, don’t say nothin’ at all!” So, take a deep breath, think before you speak, and remember: with great tongue power comes great responsibility!

In the name of our Lord and Savior—Douse Your Mouth!

Keep your wicks trimmed and your lanterns filled with oil! THE KING IS COMING! And let’s pray He arrives before the next awkward family dinner!

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