1/28/2024 (c) AMKCH
I felt a divine nudge to send a quick message here after witnessing some high-profile celebrities trying their hand at stand-up comedy by mocking God and Yeshua on YouTube. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well for them.
Now, let’s be clear: while thousands of Christ’s believers are facing some rough times and martyrdom daily around the globe, the ultimate trickster (yes, hasatan himself) is using celebrities as his unwitting jesters in this cosmic drama.
But fear not, Believers! Spoiler alert #2: God WILL NOT be mocked! It’s like a cosmic game of “Whack-a-Mole” where Satan thinks he’s dodging the hammer, but rest assured, he’s got an appointment with divine retribution that he can’t reschedule! In the grand finale, he and all his little minions will take a permanent vacation in the second death—along with all those who find it amusing to mock our Creator.
Revelation 2:11: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; He that overcomes shall NOT be hurt by the second death.” So put that in your ear and listen up!
Revelation 21:8 gives us the ultimate warning label: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Basically, it’s the VIP section of eternal consequences, and trust me, you don’t want to be on that guest list.
So, whatever you do, don’t mock God—even if you’re feeling bold! The penalty is no laughing matter! Dive into the Good Book and check out some of the cosmic consequences faced by those who dared to poke the Creator back in the day. And if you catch a glimpse of those poor souls who still haven’t learned their lesson today, let that be your warning!
Now, keep your candles lit, your lamps trimmed, and your hearts ready, because THE KING IS COMING SOON! And let’s hope He’s not bringing any of those mockers along! 🌟