March 12, 2023


© AMKCH 1999

I like to call it the Thousand Mile Journey—not because I’m trying to win any exaggeration awards, but rather to illustrate just how bumpy life’s road can get. Think of it as a divine GPS rerouting you through all those “scenic” detours!

Psa 119:11-12 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.

Eze 3:10 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears.

1 Tim 2:4 Who will have ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

These scriptures might not exactly rival “I am God, there is none other,” but they surely pack a punch! They’re the divine cheat codes on your quest through life’s thousand-mile adventure. And what do I mean by “thousand mile journey”? I’m referring to the epic trek of getting God’s Word from your head to your heart and keeping it there—no rest stops allowed!

God’s Word constantly reminds us of those who hear with their ears and see with their eyes—blessed souls who receive understanding of the Scriptures and are thus ready to obey. Let’s take a peek at a few of these enlightening passages that could make even the most seasoned road-tripper nod their head in agreement:

Matt 11:6 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

Matt 11:7-10 And as they departed, Jesus began to ask the crowd about John. “What were you expecting to see in the wilderness? A reed swaying in the wind? Or perhaps a man in plush robes? Look! Those who sport fine threads are often in royal palaces! But you went out to see a prophet? Oh yes, he was more than that! He was the messenger sent to prepare the way.”

:11-15 Truly, I say unto you, among those born of women, there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist—not even your high school gym teacher. Yet, he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he, because, well, heavenly perks! The kingdom has faced challenges since John’s days—only the determined ones take it by force. So if you will receive it, that was the “to-be” Elijah! And hey, he who has ears to hear… well, let’s just say they’re blessed eardrums!

:16-19 But how shall I compare this generation? They’re like kids in a marketplace calling for their friends, saying, “We played the flute for you, but you didn’t dance! We mourned, and you didn’t cry. John didn’t binge on snacks, and they called him crazy! I, the Son of Man, enjoy a feast, and now I’m a party animal and labeled a glutton and wineo. But wisdom shines bright through her offspring!”

The truly valiant souls—the ‘violent’ if you will—are those who grasp hold of the keys to heaven. They’re the bold ones making a “holy” beeline for the Throne of Grace, despite the world’s howls and the devil’s cackles. They grab hold of God’s 500+ promises like a bargain hunter snatches up clearance items—even if their boss, nosy neighbor, or rebellious kids tell them otherwise. If you’re willing to ride the wave, John the Baptist was indeed the precursor to Christ! Those with ears to hear? Strap in for the ride of a lifetime: a thousand-mile journey through temptation, worldly distractions, and life’s inevitable storms.

Now, let’s be real—just reading about God and His Son, Jesus, without letting the message seep into your heart is like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and leaving the salad bar with an empty plate. It’s the sort of thing He warns us about in His parables:

Matt 13:10-17 The disciples asked, “Why do you speak in parables?” “Because the mysteries of heaven are gifts for the select, but not for everyone,” He replied. For those who have, more shall be given; but for those who don’t, even what little they have will be taken.

And hence, I speak in parables: Because even if they see, they don’t comprehend; even if they hear, they won’t grasp the meaning. It fulfills the prophecy that says, “Hearing you will hear and not understand; seeing you will see and not perceive.” Their hearts are hard, their ears dull, and their eyes shut tight, fearing they might actually see, hear, and grasp the truth! Blessed are your eyes—they can see, and your ears—they can hear. Many prophets have longed to see what you see; and guess what? They missed the show!

:18-23 So listen carefully to the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the Word of the Kingdom but doesn’t understand, the wicked one swoops in and snatches it right out of their hearts. That’s the seed sown by the wayside. The stone-hearted folk are those who hear the Word and are all “Hallelujah!” until some trouble comes, and poof! They’re gone. The thorny folks hear the Word but let life’s distractions and the shiny allure of riches choke it out. But the good soil? Oh, it hears and grasps the Word and produces a miraculous harvest!

Jn 14:21 He that hath my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me: And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him.

This is just one example of the grand thousand-mile journey. So many folks sit in church, listening to what the preacher says (bless him), but fall asleep or are distracted by mundane thoughts, like what’s for lunch. Sadly, they’re not truly HEARING God’s message. They won’t embark on that thousand-mile adventure simply because their hearts aren’t engaged. But those who do hear will have their light bulbs turn on, acknowledging and obeying!

Jn 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Look at the wonders that await those willing to see and hear with their hearts: healing, blessings, and the ability to accomplish what others miss due to their selective blindness! Turning down that thousand-mile journey—even just getting God’s wisdom into the noggin and heart—might just cost you some holy insurance!

God laid down ten straightforward commandments, and Jesus distilled them into just two. Check these divine nuggets out:

Mat 22:36-40 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. That’s number one, folks! The second one is similar: love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets are hung on these two hooks!”

When we allow God’s Word to travel from our heads to our hearts, our willingness to obey shines like a beacon! Our love for God and ourselves will blossom, leading us to obedience to these simple commandments. And then? Oh, the rewards that follow!

But how will we know when we’ve reached the end of this miraculous journey? Ultimately, it’ll be when you’re harmonizing praises to God in the new earth—or at least when the celestial karaoke machine is at full volume!

Rev 21:1 A shiny new heaven and a new earth appeared; the old ones had passed away—think of it as a glorious renovation!

2 Pet 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells—and rest assured, nobody is stealing the last cookie there because there’s plenty to go around!

While we wait, we can check ourselves on how well we’re obeying His love commandments. Do you truly love your enemies? Are you praying for those who may be, say, problematic overseas? THIS is how we show God’s love—by doing good, even to those who say they can’t stand us.

Matt 5:38-30 You’ve heard it said, “An eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you: let’s not get medieval here! Turn the other cheek instead!

:40 If someone sues you for your shirt and asks for your coat, hand it over like you’re giving away free samples!

:41 And if someone tells you to walk a mile, go two! Talk about overachieving!

:42 Give to those who ask and don’t be stingy—after all, sharing is caring!

:43-47 You’ve heard, “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” I say, “Love those who may not love you back! Bless those who curse you! Pray for those who despitefully use you!” That way, you’ll be the poster child for your heavenly Father, who showers blessings on the good and bad alike; let’s face it, even flat-out sinners get the sunshine once in a while! And if you only love your friends, does that earn you extra credit? Nah, even tax collectors do that!

Matt 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect—yes, no pressure!

There is only ONE Redeemer. There is only ONE True King. There is only ONE man who can save mankind; I present—drumroll, please—the Lord Christ Jesus!

Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Talk about exclusivity!

Rev 19:16 He’s got “KING OF KINGS” written on His robe! You can’t miss it!

Gal 4:4-5 But when the fullness of time arrived, God sent His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem those under the law so we could score some divine adoption and be called sons and daughters!

THIS is the only guide who can help you navigate that lofty thousand-mile journey, leading to healing, health, and abundant life!

How do you begin this journey? Read and meditate on God’s Word continually. Jesus Himself said:

Heb 13:5 Keep your conversation free from wanting what others have, for He has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Ever heard of a divine roommate? Well, now you have the Best!

Jn 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, He’ll guide you into all truth—consider Him (better than) your spiritual Google Maps!

Listening to sermons is one thing. You can sit through a three-hour service, but if it doesn’t travel from your brain down the miles to your heart, you’ll be just as lost! So why bother? We bother because God loves you more than a kid loves candy—you better believe He gave His ONLY Son so that ANYONE who believes in Him would be saved! That’s your motivation for this thousand-mile journey from head to heart because without it, the gates of heaven might just be locked!

Matt 7:21 Not everyone who yells “Lord, Lord” gets a ticket to heaven—but those doing the will of the Father? They’re golden!

:22-23 Many will strive on that day, “Lord, didn’t we preach in Your name and cast out devils?” And He’ll reply: “I never knew you! See ya!”

Just because you announce you’re a Christian and belt out hymns like a Broadway star doesn’t automatically secure your heavenly reservation! It’s about how you treat others—even those who might drive you up a wall!

Matt 7:24-25 So whoever hears My words and does them, I’ll liken them to a wise builder who erected their house on a rock: When the storms rage, that house stands strong because it’s solid!

:26-27 But everyone who hears My sayings and chooses not to live by them is likened to a foolish person who built their house on sand: When the storm hits, that house crumbles, and boy, is it a dramatic fall!

This is why Christ came down to earth. Born of a woman who kept it holy, He taught anyone who would listen—even the ones who showed up just for the free snacks! You know the story, but did you know His arrest and crucifixion were pure nonsense according to the laws of that day? And guess what—on the third day, God raised Him from the dead! Talk about an epic comeback! Did you know He ascended into Heaven and now sits at the Father’s right hand, ready to handle our judgments? And here’s the kicker—He’s with you wherever you are! Just give Him a shout out!

“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” He told me that when I was alone in my bedroom at the age of 12! And He’s saying that to you now.

Lk 19:10 The Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost—think of Him as the ultimate Life Coach!

Jn 3:14-18 Just as Moses lifted that serpent in the wilderness, the Son of Man must be lifted up so that anyone who believes in Him won’t perish but has eternal life. For God loved the world so much He gave His only Son—who wouldn’t want an all-access pass to everlasting life? He didn’t come to condemn the world, but through Him, the path to salvation is unveiled! Those who believe are in the clear. Those who don’t? Well, they’re already living in the “no-fly zone” because they haven’t believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Jn 14:26-27 But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit sent by the Father in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of what I said. Peace I leave with you—peace that doesn’t match what the world offers!

When you decide to embark on that Thousand Mile Journey, He’s with you for every step—and occasionally throwing in hints so you don’t get lost!

But we can’t stop at just reading the Word of God. We should also pay attention to the state of the world today. Read voraciously, learn, and let God’s Holy Spirit teach you how to live it! Once you commit to that thousand-mile journey, trusting in our Savior to navigate through the bumps, He says:

Jn 10:27-29 My sheep hear My voice; they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish! Ain’t nobody snatching them out of My hand! My Father, who gifted them to Me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them from His grip, either!

Consider reading some “extra Biblical” literature. YOUNG’S Analytical Concordance is a gem! I’ve discovered that Strong’s Concordance has a few hiccups, so stick to the classics. E.W. Bullinger’s Bible holds some excellent footnotes and insights taken from the original text—he’s the friend you want in your back pocket when deciphering tough passages.

As you dive into God’s Word and weave it into your daily life, rest assured, He’ll be guiding you on that thousand-mile journey toward everlasting life in Him.

I trust this message has brought you some encouragement. Now, let’s trim those wicks and refill those lamps—THE KING IS COMING SOON!